Where can I get a set of siteswap dice?
Below you find downloads to craft your own siteswap dice. You will need a pair of scissors, some glue, paper and a colour printer.
three object fun.pdf
The three object fun set is called fun because it generates only fun patterns: 102 unique prime siteswaps for three balls with maximum height six (living room height).
3 ball height five ALL.pdf_1
This is a set voor low ceilings: it generates ALL possible regularly alternating siteswaps with 3 objects up to height five.
2b set.pdf
This is a set of siteswap dice for 2 balls. If you want it easy this is for you.
4b advanced.pdf
This is a set of dice for 4 balls. Suitable for those jugglers that want a challenge, or that are very skilled.
How do I use the siteswap dice?
Throw a die. Notice the color of the number that is on top: That is the color of your next die. Keep throwing dice till you find a loop. Every loop you find is a repeatable prime siteswap. I would advise you to play together with a friend or use two sets yourself, so you will also encounter combinations of prime siteswpas. Like the versatile 423, the pitoresque 51414, and the groovy 50440551.
Example: Let’s say we start with the bleu die and throw an orange 4. So our next die is orange: with it we throw a purple 4. Now we throw our purple die: a bleu 1. Because we already used our bleu die, we have a loop: the siteswap 441.
The background of these dice are the reduced siteswap state diagrams. Every die represents a certain state and the numbers on it represent the siteswap throws that will bring your juggling pattern from that state to an other specific state.
Have fun!
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